Thursday, June 28, 2012


Have you ever allowed your students to check out books from your classroom library and never received them back? Or, have you ever let a student borrow a book and you forgot which student borrowed it? too!

Well, one night while browsing one of my fav apps everrrrrrr (PINTEREST), I came across a pin about an app that could help with retaining and organizing your classroom library books. It's called BOOK RETRIEVER. Here is a pic of the home screen!

The app is only .99 cents, which is a great bargain considering the amount of lost library books that you may have to replace. 

Once the home screen fades away, this screen pops up!
 Before using the app, you have to sign up. 
(SIGNING UP TIP: Where it asks for your name, DO NOT put your actual name! It wants an USERNAME. So, NO spaces!)

On this screen you have numerous options to choose from!
1) My Students: Add all of your students to your roster.
2) Add Book: When you click on this, a barcode scanner pops up and the book gets entered into the system!
3) My Classroom Library: This is the ENTIRE inventory for your books.
4) Check Out: You choose the student that wants to check that book out, scan the barcode, and VIOLA! It also gives you a due date!
5) Check In: You scan the book and the student is no longer held accountable for that book.

I have absolutely fell in love with this app!!!!!!! I can't wait to use it in my classroom with my babies!! :)

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